
"Wonder" Movie Event with Special Guest Speaker Dr. Michael Goodman

Join us for a free outdoor showing of the hit movie “Wonder” (PG) on August 1, 2018 at 7:30 PM at the Porter Health Amphitheater, Central Park Plaza, Downtown Valparaiso.   

Dr. Michael Goodman

“Wonder” is a heartwarming story about a young boy, August (Auggie) Pullman, who was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome. The movie follows Auggie as he enters public school for the first time.

Special guest, Dr. Michael Goodman, will share his story before the movie. Like Auggie from the film, Dr. Goodman was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome. After overcoming many similar challenges in his own life, Dr. Goodman learned a hard lesson…you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.

Dr. Goodman is a graduate of Valparaiso High School. After completing his undergrad in Iowa, he went on to medical school in Indianapolis. He is now a pediatrician with Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health.

This is a free, family-friendly event open to the public. Please bring your own blankets and chairs. This event is brought to you by the Porter County Community Foundation, Merrill Lynch Bank of America– The Braggs Team, and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Northwest Indiana.